Tuesday, August 22, 2006

We realize noboby probably wants to hear it, but Fall is only a short distance away! It's all good though....stunning colours, great weather, specially priced packages at our lakeside resort...and all that without the crowds of summer. In fact High Rock Road along the shores of Lake Bernard was cited last year as one of the top ten locations to view fall colours! (Walking distance from our resort)
Northridge is especially cozy in the tender temperatures of fall: With our comfortable Canadiana ambiance, a woodburning fireplace in every accommodation, and a wonderful new menu, fall may just become your favourite season!

Our final August wedding has now been completed and once again we were stunned by the warmth of the couple and their families and friends! The weather was absolutley perfect for the ceremony at lakeside on our dock and even the BBQ style rehearsal party the night before.
Weddings, corporate retreats, family reunions and all types of group functions remain one of our specialties here at Northridge, and each one is planned and designed to best reflect the individual vision of the guests involved, so contact us at anytime if there is anything we can do to help!

It is simply incredible that August is slipping away so quickly here at our north Muskoka Resort! The sultry evenings on the Beach are still here for now though......and everyone here intends to make the most of it. Our summer here has exceeded our expectations by far! After three years of owning and operating our resort (the Inn had been totally closed up for two entire years when we purchased it in 2003) we are now experiencing an incredible number of return and word of mouth guests!
If you haven't already done so, it is still not too late to enjoy the sand inbetween your toes.....Late August is wonderful for warm water, a lack of bugs, and all the heat of summer!

Northridge Inn and Resort was very proud to host the Burk's Falls Art Club Show at the end of July this year. The Inn was full of wonderful paintings of all types and media, jewelry, sculpture, photography, and even unique flower arrangements!
The turn out was fantastic and we wish to extend our sincerest thanks and appreciation to the Club, and our guests for allowing Northridge to participate in such a wonderful event!
Northridge takes great pride in our ongoing support of local artisans and their works. If you are a local artist and would like to display works in our Inn, feel free to contact us and discuss the possibilities!

The weather this summer at Northridge has indeed been unusual. It seems that whenever it rains, it pours!! Despite some of the devastating storms just north and south of us, we were very fortunate here at our lakeside resort to have been spared any damage of concern!
The weather here has certainly provided some spectacular shows with incredible lightning storms out on the lake, but perhaps even more satisfying has been the healthy amount of rain that has kept everything green, lush and has really coaxed our perennial gardens into their best show of colour ever!